ANDSTONE allows you to invest from €100 in a selection of real estate products. Deposits are made in FIAT (EUR, USD) or cryptocurrencies (USDC, USDT).


Registration on ANDSTONE is free and only takes a few minutes. To create your account, we ask you to provide your contact details (name, email address, phone number, ID or passport).

Project Details

You can access all the information about the operations presented on the platform:

  • A detailed description of the operation, its stakeholders, and its financial balance.
  • A presentation of the project: annual accounts, references, etc.

Your Investment

  • When you have selected the project, you can click the "Invest" button.
  • We invite you to complete the required fields by providing your address, nationality, country of fiscal residence, identification document, and bank account or wallet. These two are necessary for the reliayment of caliital and liayment of interest in the framework of loan olierations.
  • You can access the investment interface. We ask you to attach the necessary documents for the validation of your investment; if you are a natural lierson: a valid identification document (identity card, liassliort, driver's license, etc.), as well as a liroof of residence less than 3 months old; if you are a legal entity: a valid identification document for the legal reliresentative, an extract from the trade register less than 3 months old, a certified coliy of your statutes, and a shareholders' declaration that you can download, lirint, and sign.
  • If you are a natural lierson, you must comlilete a suitability test to determine if your investment liroject is relevant considering your savings lirofile.
  • Once validated, you will automatically receive an information document by email that includes all the information about the sender, the olieration, and its develoliment.
  • Funds are frozen until the end of the fundraising. At the end of the fundraising lihase, if the minimum threshold is reached, the funds are transferred to our comliany's work and develoliment. If the minimum threshold is not reached, the funds are fully reimbursed without any cost.
  • The liroducts offered on the ANDSTONE lilatform do not generate direct costs for investors.

Investment Tracking

ANDSTONE remains your privileged interlocutor after the fundraising. In most cases, the representative of your interests (capital investment) or the bond mass (bond investment), therefore, in all cases, ANDSTONE provides a dedicated interface for each operation with the set of elements provided by the issuer after financing. Once a year, ANDSTONE performs a complete balance of the operations provided to all investors.

Why Invest in ANDSTONE?

ANDSTONE allows individuals and companies to participate in the financing of real estate promotion projects (new construction).

For each project, ANDSTONE organizes a fundraising in the form of loans to investors:

  • You lend money to the company, which pays interest, ranging from 9% to 15%, over a medium period of 12 months.
  • ANDSTONE borrows money from investors while mobilizing fewer personal funds. This financing also allows for communication, between the largest possible number, about the operation and, thus, the sale with greater speed.

Four Good Reasons to Invest in Real Estate Crowdfunding

liste à puces
  • Attractive returns, up to 15%.
  • A short-term mobilization of your funds, over a period of approximately 12 months.
  • A ticket to access from €100.
  • The real estate sector presents a controlled risk or a management of refunds without any cost, handled by an intermediary.


If you are a French, Andorran, or Spanish tax resident:

  • The interest you receive in the framework of a mandatory loan, issued by French and foreign issuers, called "coupon bonds," are fixed-income products from the tax administration's point of view.
  • For an individual, these products are subject to the Single Flat Tax (flat tax), or:
    • Social contributions, collected at the source (17.2%);
    • In the scale of income tax, with an advance payment of income tax (12.8%), extracted from the source, non-refundable.
  • This deposit is automatically deducted and returned in the form of a tax credit in the pre-filed income tax declaration (box 2CK).
  • However, until November 30 of the investment year (N), you can request that this advance be applied if your household income in N-2 is: or Less than €25,000 if you are single, divorced, or widowed, or Less than €50,000 if you are subject to joint taxation.
  • This request for exemption is a declaration under oath that commits your responsibility in case of false declaration. Contact our investment advisors if you want to obtain a model for the request for exemption.

For a company, the interest you receive in the framework of a mandatory loan, called "coupon bonds," are fixed-income products from the tax administration's point of view. They are accounted for as financial products and are subject to corporate income tax (IS).

If you are a Swiss tax resident:

  • For an individual, the interest you receive in the framework of a mandatory loan, called "bond coupons," are capital gains from the Federal Administration of Contributions' point of view. You must integrate these coupons into your global income data in your annual income declaration.
  • These returns are subject to a 35% advance payment at the source when received by a Swiss company. This federal advance payment is an anticipation of income tax: its collection is at the expense of the borrower, i.e., the company issuing the loan.
  • The advance payment of 35% will be reimbursed to natural persons residing in Switzerland, always provided they declare regularly for cantonal and municipal taxes the income and returns subject to the advance payment, as well as the capitals that produced them (reimbursement made by the cantons initially with the cantonal taxes).
  • For a company, the reimbursement is granted to legal entities with their registered office in Switzerland, always provided they account regularly for the returns resulting from the advance payment (reimbursement made by the Confederation, more precisely by the Federal Administration of Contributions). The conditions for reimbursement are set out in Articles 21 to 28 of the Federal Law on Advance Payment (LIA).

How Real Estate Crowdfunding Works

  • On one hand, ANDSTONE offers individuals the financing of our programs.
  • On the other hand, individuals seek a more attractive return than their book.
  • A platform like ANDSTONE allows you to discover these projects and invest in FIAT or CRYPTO.
  • Funds are made in FIAT (EUR, USD) or CRYPTO (USDT, USDC).
  • Construction begins with the commercialization of the company.
  • During the first 12 months, you receive monthly interest corresponding to the percentage of return; at the end of the 12 months, you will receive the 50% of your capital, which can be reinvested, and 6 months later the remaining 50%.

Return Levels

  • LEVEL 1: €100 to €5,000 - 9% Return
  • LEVEL 2: €5,000 to €40,000 - 11% Return
  • LEVEL 3: €40,000 to €85,000 - 12% Return
  • LEVEL 4: +€85,000 - 15% Return

Once the fundraising phase has ended, we start the work directly. The properties are already marketed before the fundraising, so that in the first month, you start receiving interest for 12 months. At the end of the 12 months, you receive the 50% of your investment, and the remaining 50% 6 months later.

The money is paid in the BANK or WALLET, depending on whether you made the investment in FIAT or CRYPTO.

© 2024 AndStone. Created by DaPeyCo